Web Development Skills
Implement htmlspecialchars()
in JavaScript
function htmlspecialchars(s){
var M={'&':'&','<':'<','>':'>','"':'"',"'":'''};
return s.replace(/[&<>"']/g,function(m){return M[m]});
Get browser type based on User Agent
function deviceType() {
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (/iphone|android.*mobile/i.test(ua)) {
return 'mobile';
} else if (/ipad|android/i.test(ua)) {
return 'pad';
return undefined;
This function returns mobile
for mobile browsers, pad
for tablet browsers. undefined
for PC browsers or browsers of other type.
Change address bar color of Chrome for Android
Add the following meta tag into HTML to change address bar color of Chrome for Android.
<meta name="theme-color" content="#db5945"/>
Catching Syntax Error Within Browser
alert(e.filename+'\nLine '+e.lineno+'\n'+e.message);
How to solve the PDO-MySQL’s garbled data problem
Use the following DSN to initialize PDO-MySQL connection:
$dbconn = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
The DSN above contains charset=utf8
, which specifies UTF-8 as the character set used for MySQL.
Without specifing character set for database connection, you will find the data inserted into the MySQL table garbled, even if the MySQL table’s character set is UTF-8.
Use QPython to test WebView
Create a python script with the following code:
specifies the title of the WebView.
specifies the URL launched in the WebView.
Append #qpy:fullscreen
to the code above will enable fullscreen mode for the WebView.
CSS Style For DOM-Based Tooltip
Apply the following style to the DOM element used for tooltip, so that normal mouse operations won’t be inteferred:
Vue.js Load Component Which Can Be Used Recursively
export default{