
Retro Programming Works 怀旧编程作品

被模拟的PC 1 Emulated PC 1

年代 Era

配置 Configuration

主要用途 Main Usage

被模拟的PC 2 Emulated PC 2

年代 Era

配置 Configuration

主要用途 Main Usage

截图欣赏 Screenshots

C/C++编程 C/C++ Programming

IP地址计算器 IP Address Calculator
IP Calculator

UCDOS下运行IP地址计算器 IP Address Calculator Under UCDOS
IP Calculator

中文数字 Chinese Number
Chinese Number for UCDOS

PPP服务器 PPP Server

天气预报 Weather Forecast
Weather Forecast

我的博客 My Blog
My Blog

带数学公式的文章 Article with Equation

BASIC编程 BASIC Programming

2048游戏 2048 Game


2048游戏(使用UCDOS特显程序) 2048 Game (Using UCDOS Special Display Tool)
Happy New Year

俄罗斯方块 Tetris


贪吃蛇游戏 Snake Game


猜数字游戏 Bulls and Cows
Bulls and Cows

Bulls and Cows

24点求解器 24 Game Solver
24 Game Solver

24 Game Solver

数独求解程序 Sudoku Solver
Sudoku Solver

Sudoku Solver

谢尔宾斯基地毯(VGA模式) Sierpinski Carpet (VGA mode)
Sierpinski Carpet VGA Mode

谢尔宾斯基地毯 Sierpinski Carpet
Sierpinski Carpet

显示古诗(使用UCDOS特显程序) Poem Showing (Using UCDOS Special Display Tool)
Poem for UCDOS

显示古诗 Poem Showing

显示带插图的古诗(使用UCDOS特显程序) Poem With Picture (Using UCDOS Special Display Tool)
Poem for UCDOS

显示古诗(使用BSAVE图像数据) Poem Showing (Using BSAVE Image Data)
Poem With Picture

新年快乐(使用UCDOS特显程序) Happy New Year (Using UCDOS Special Display Tool)
Happy New Year for UCDOS

新年快乐 Happy New Year
Happy New Year

诸事皆顺(使用UCDOS特显程序) Everything Goes Well (Using UCDOS Special Display Tool)
Everything Goes Well

诸事皆顺 Everything Goes Well
Everything Goes Well

图案(VGA模式) Patterns (VGA mode)
Pattern 1

Pattern 2

繁花曲线(VGA模式) Flower Curves (VGA mode)

繁花曲线 Flower Curves

中文数字 Chinese Number
Chinese Number

猜数字求解器 Bulls and Cows Solver
Bulls and Cows Solver

九九乘法表 9x9 Multiplication Table
Multiplication Table

斐波那契数列 Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence

显示杨辉三角 Display Yanghui Triangle
Yanghui Triangle

实用命令 Useful Commands

制作Windows 3.x下播放的视频 Make Video For Windows 3.x

使用ffmpeg制作可在Windows 3.1下播放的视频
Convert video into format accepted by Windows 3.1

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v cinepak|msvideo1 -c:a pcm_s16le|pcm_u8|adpcm_ima_wav\
	-vf "scale=320:240:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=320:240:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2"\
	-r 12 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -y output.avi

Convert video into VCD

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -target pal-vcd|ntsc-vcd output.mpg
vcdimager -t vcd2 -l "Movie Title" -c output.cue -b output.bin output.mpg

Convert video into VCD and split the source video into multiple discs (Maximum 1 hour for each disc)

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:60:00 -i input.mp4 -target pal-vcd|ntsc-vcd output1.mpg
vcdimager -t vcd2 -l "Part 1" -c output1.cue -b output1.bin output1.mpg
ffmpeg -ss 00:60:00 -t 00:30:00 -i input.mp4 -target pal-vcd|ntsc-vcd output2.mpg
vcdimager -t vcd2 -l "Part 2" -c output2.cue -b output2.bin output2.mpg

Windows 3.2和Windows 95使用金山影霸II播放PAL制式VCD,使用XingMPEG Player播放NTSC制式VCD。
Under Windows 3.2 and Windows 95, use SoftVCD II (JinShanYinBa II) to play PAL VCD, use XingMPEG Player to play NTSC VCD.

减少CPU占用 Reduce CPU Usage

如何在使用模拟器运行DOS、Windows 3.x、Windows 9x时减少CPU占用:
How to reduce CPU usage when running DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 9x with emulators:

MS-DOS 6.22自带POWER.EXE,在CONFIG.SYS里添加以下配置即可:
MS-DOS 6.22 has pre-installed POWER.EXE, you can add the following configuration into CONFIG.SYS:


For other versions of MS-DOS, copy IDLE.COM to C:\, then run it from AUTOEXEC.BAT

Windows 3.x需要将WQGHLT.386复制到C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\,然后打开C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI并在[386enh]小节中添加以下配置:
For Windows 3.x, copy WQGHLT.386 to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\, then open C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI and add the following configuration into [386enh] section:


Windows 9x需要安装AmnHLTAmn Refrigerator
Windows 9x requires installing AmnHLT or Amn Refrigerator.

DOS下启用UMB Activate UMB for DOS

Open CONFIG.SYS and find the line with DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE, then append NOEMS parameter after it.

DOS下添加CD-ROM支持 Add CD-ROM support for MS-DOS

OAKCDROM.SYS复制到C:\OAKCDROM.SYS可在Windows 9x的安装光盘中找到)。
Copy OAKCDROM.SYS to C:\ (OAKCDROM.SYS can be found from Windows 9x installation CD-ROMs).

Copy MSCDEX.EXE to C:\ if MSCDEX is not installed.

Add the following configuration into CONFIG.SYS:


Add the following command into AUTOEXEC.BAT:


/L:Z specifies the drive letter for CD-ROM.

如何在Windows 3.x下安装S3显卡驱动 How to install S3 video driver for Windows 3.x

安装Windows 3.x时使用标准VGA显示驱动,安装完成后在“Windows 设置程序”中更改显卡驱动。
Use the basic VGA driver for the initial install, then change the video driver using Windows Setup in the Main program group.

安装显卡驱动时如果提示插入S3 Trio 64V Flat Mode Driver软盘,则此时需要将路径填写成C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\以完成显卡驱动的安装。
When the driver spouted up a prompt to Insert the Trio 64V Flat Mode Driver disk, redirect the installer to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ to complete the graphics driver install.

Windows 3.x下使用DOSBox-x的打印机 Use DOSBox-x’s printer under Windows 3.x

选择Epson LQ1600K作为打印机驱动程序,之后可以从Windows 3.x的应用程序中使用DOSBox-x的虚拟打印机打印到PNG图片。
Select Epson LQ1600K as the printer driver, then you can print document into PNG files from Windows 3.x applications via DOSBox-x’s virtual printer.

不同Linux环境安装编译环境的方式 How To Install Build Environment for Linux

UCDOS WPS更改文字颜色为亮黄色 Change Text Color Into Light Yellow For UCDOS WPS

wps /FE /S

其它 Miscellaneous

Mount floppy image under Linux (Use GB2312 for filename encoding)

sudo mount -o loop,codepage=936,iocharset=utf8 floppy.img /mnt

For CD-ROM image files in non-ISO format like BIN/CUE, MDF/MDS, etc., try to use iat command under Linux to convert them into ISO file.